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Locknet Managed IT Among World’s Top IT Service Providers

Locknet Managed IT
2 min read
Jul 2, 2019 10:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

Prestigious award comes via the 12th Annual Channel Futures MSP 501 Rankings

Locknet Managed IT, a division of EO Johnson Business Technologies has been named among the top IT-managed service providers in the world in the Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings.  MSPs around the globe are considered for the prestigious honor, which weighs multiple factors including both business strategy and thought leadership in the rapidly-evolving industry.

“Being highlighted as one of the leading managed service providers in the world is a testament to the dedication, innovation, and skill of our team,” said Peter Kujawa, President of Locknet Managed IT Services.  “This recognition is a nod to our organization’s commitment to service excellence.  Such honors are humbling, but in the end, it’s all about providing the best in managed IT services to our clients who count on us.”

The MSP 501 rankings are now in their 12th year.  Locknet Managed IT has been listed among honorees since the award’s inception, representing consistency in quality service and innovation.  In this year’s ranking, Locknet was ranked 38th out of 501, out of a pool of thousands of worldwide applicants.

“The 2019 MSP 501 winners are the most elite, innovative, and strategic IT service providers on the planet, and they stand as a model of excellence in the industry,” says Kris Blackmon, Content Director of Channel Partners and Channel Futures and lead of the MSP 501 program.  “As the MSP 501 Community grows, leagues of managed service providers learn from the successes of these winning companies, gaining insight into the best practices, strategies, and technologies that elevate an MSP to the level of the 501 winners. Our heartfelt congratulations to the 2019 winners and gratitude to the thousands of MSPs that have contributed to the continuing growth and success of both the 501 and the thriving managed services sector.”

Selection of 2019 top-managed service providers

Applicants for the MSP 501 designation comprise a diverse representation of services with providers from every continent of the globe but Antarctica.  This year brought in the largest number and most diverse applicants in the history of the survey.

As a 2019 MSP 501 winner and one of the world’s best-managed service providers, officials from Locknet Managed IT and parent company EO Johnson Business Technologies are invited to attend the Channel Partners Evolution event in Washington D.C. this September and the MSP 501 Awards Dinner September 10.

Want to learn more about what one of the top IT-managed service providers in the world can do for you? Contact us for a review of your IT by calling 844.365.4968. Ask to speak to a Locknet Account Executive in your area.


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