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Remote Employees and Network Security

Working from home is not going anywhere. In fact, research shows that post-pandemic 42% of employees who worked strictly from a company-based location will not return to the office. Do you know how this will impact your business? Learn more about the tools needed to protect your client data and improve employee productivity.


A Message from our CEO and Owner to our Valued Clients

2 min read
Apr 8, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Never has it been more important to get back to what matters most.

That's why, in these turbulent times, I want you to know how much you mean to us. I am so grateful for your trust in us as a company. And I want you to rest assured that we will continue to serve you throughout this crisis and beyond. Here's how.

We're keeping a careful eye on the changing business landscape.
This global pandemic is affecting each and every one of us, and although pressure is high, I personally guarantee that our employees will continue to deliver on the promises we've made to you. Like so many, we were prepared for this eventuality thanks to our business continuity plan, so within hours of our decision to implement our pandemic plan, the majority of our EO Johnson and Locknet teams were working from home. And because we are considered an essential business, we are humbled to continue to service and support our clients through shelter-in-place orders. To stay on top of this rapidly-changing crisis, our executive team meets daily to monitor this situation and make necessary adjustments to continue to meet the needs of our employees, clients, and communities.

We're doing our part to protect your health and the health of our employees.
The safety of our employees and clients is of the utmost importance to us. To continue to service clients' copier needs, our technicians are calling ahead before going to a client’s location, to determine what COVID-19 policies they have in place for visitors, so that we can be compliant. In addition, as an organization, we are leveraging virtual tools to communicate company-wide, and we have asked account executives to schedule virtual meetings with you, our clients, as needed.

We're supporting you throughout this time of challenge and uncertainty.
As a company, preparing for and responding to crises like this is what we do, and we are here to help you with your changing needs, whether that means maintaining current on-site operations, leading a remote workforce, or both. Here are some of the ways we can help.

  • By providing secure, cloud-based document management solutions, enabling your remote workforce to easily access the files they need from wherever they are, while still protecting your company’s network and data.
  • By strengthening your efforts with IT security and productivity tools: all the essentials for working from home.
  • By offering laptops, data backup strategy, cyber risk monitoring, secure VPN configuration, security updates and patching, vulnerability scans, and business continuity planning and security awareness training.
  • By delivering our Productivity Package of home multifunction devices to keep your employees working and your business moving forward.
  • Scanning your paper documents to protect company data, reduce storage space, and improve collaboration and customer service.
  • By sharing important information via our blogs: up-to-date, relevant information about security and much more, with the intention of enabling you to keep your remote workforce and client data safe. Subscribe now to conveniently receive these updates in your inbox.

We're all in this together.
As this crisis hits every business and every home, my heart aches for all of us. I pray that all of us do what we must to stay safe and healthy and look out for one another. We cannot control everything, but it is my hope that we can help you through this rough patch by providing you the tools and resources you need to be productive with a remote workforce, and manage change in your business.

My dad often said, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It's inspiration—a road map—for all of us for the journey before us: this is what we must do, and this is what we are doing. With transparency, honesty, and kindness, we can help one another through the uncertainty of the days ahead. And that is perhaps our highest calling: to be there for one another, apart, but never, ever alone.

God bless you.

Mary Jo Johnson
EO Johnson Business Technologies

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