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'Networkings Spring 2024 Newsletter

Check out the latest happenings in the world of IT from our Locknet® experts. In this issue learn how your organization can strengthen your defenses through better password management and email protection.


IT Project Engineering Services


The Locknet® Approach to IT Project Management

There is more to completing a project than ensuring the people doing the work are experienced and highly skilled technical experts. Yes, that is an extremely important element. But to truly get the job done right and with as few headaches as possible, Locknet® leverages a dedicated project manager who leads their team and will:

  • Consult with your IT team to identify initiatives
  • Establish a collaborative working relationship built on trust
  • Scope out projects and budget considerations
  • Organize and oversee the technical aspects of your project
  • Maintain timelines and keep your project on task
  • And more

IT Project

Businesses of all sizes may have IT projects that sit on the shelf because of a lack of time, talent, or resources. Here are a few examples of IT projects that the Locknet® team can help you complete:
