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Working from home is not going anywhere. In fact, research shows that post-pandemic 42% of employees who worked strictly from a company-based location will not return to the office. Do you know how this will impact your business? Learn more about the tools needed to protect your client data and improve employee productivity.


Who Should Use Microsoft Teams?

Ben Potaracke
2 min read
Apr 7, 2020 10:00:00 AM


This collaborative platform may be right for your team environment

If you're wondering who should use Microsoft Teams or even what is Microsoft Teams, you're certainly not alone. Yet this collaborative team platform is getting a lot of buzz lately. The great news is, Microsoft Teams is a feature with certain versions of Office 365 and M365 so you may already have access to this innovative tool, and not know it. Let's take a closer look at what this platform brings to the table, whether it might be right for you, and how it can help you and your business. 

Features of Microsoft Teams

Keeping everyone in the loop can be a challenge no matter the size of your organization.   Microsoft Teams offers a wide variety of capabilities to enhance office productivity, whether your teams are located near one another or dispersed.  Teams is highly accessible and seamlessly integrates with all your Office 365 productivity software applications such as Outlook, OneDrive, and SharePoint.

Because it brings all your apps together, Teams makes managing files, messages, and emails easier for end-users and allows you to use everything without leaving the program interface.  It’s one “pane of glass” with a variety of functions and capabilities that set it apart from other collaboration platforms.

Seamless conversation and chat

 One capability of this platform is the ability to generate conversation boards for teammates, known as channels. In what's known as the General channel, team members can view and contribute to conversations, and add in other teammates by using the @ sign. In addition, a chat function enables individuals, teams, or groups to chat as needed.  And although the chat function is a huge and popular feature, it’s caused a misconception that MS Teams is just a chat platform.   It’s not.  Its purpose is to get you to focus more on your work, turning communication into a collaborative workplace.  All your conversations, shared files, and online meetings can be found in a single location that you can access from anywhere. 

Online conferencing, calls, meetings, and video

Imagine the ease of having all of these aspects of your business under a single platform. With Microsoft Teams, you will have video calling and screen sharing ability, and online meetings that can host thousands of users—with access to meeting chat, scheduling, note taking, and more. In addition, audio and video conferencing allow people to dial in from wherever you are.
Integrate applications and services, like Zoom or Webex for meetings.  The range is endless from analytics and BI to development, education, and product management.  Over 150 connectors are available to Microsoft and third-party services.

Document storage functionality

 With Microsoft Teams, each team has an online SharePoint document library. This allows everyone in the team access to files that have been shared within conversations if they have the right permissions. For sensitive info, security options are also in place—a valued feature for every business. You can invite coworkers into a team environment to collaborate on projects, and share and update documents in real time.

Who should use Microsoft Teams?

Now that we've demystified your question, "what is Microsoft Teams," it's time to weigh options. Deciding whether Microsoft Teams is right for you requires careful consideration. If you already have Office 365 or M365, remember, it is a feature, aside from the expanded functions which require additional licensing, as noted. If you have remote users or have a large business, and if you're exploring options outside of existing meeting apps, this may be an attractive option.

If you're interested in learning more about who should use Microsoft Teams, the platform capabilities, or whether it's the right tool for you, the experts at Locknet Managed IT can help. Contact us for more information about this innovative business platform.


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